
As a sensitive person, it is important to channel all the energy that we absorb. It is also important to stay aware and in the moment, and practicing our creativity is a way to do this. In my own life, I have found that I am happiest when I am most creative.

For the longest time, unexpressed creativity clouded my mind. It is only recently that the clouds have started lifting. My hunch is that some of the anxiety that HSPs (sometimes) have is rooted in unexpressed creativity - the stories swirling in our minds, the pictures not taken, the paintings not attempted. Not doing these things is a kind of soul death. Attempting them is like awakening the soul again.

As I have started practicing my creativity, I have found that trying to reach for too much is counter-productive. Just begin and be in the moment. Take baby steps. Doing a little every day opens up our life and heart to doing more gradually.


  1. Ritu, Just read your writing about the "tortoise" on another website and then it led me to your website. I love your writing and your photographs, especially this last one on this posting. I am an intuitive introvert that has gotten lost for many years... I just recently returned to creating and now I am hoping to go on with getting back to my authentic self. Thanks for your website. Will return to see what's new with you! Lisa

    1. Thank you Lisa ! I hope you find all the resources you need to get back to your creativity. We are all on similar paths :)

  2. your photography is amazing. i'd use them as a wallpaper on my phone :-). and I also read your post on tinybuddha, it's great.

    1. Thank you :) I am glad the post resonated with you.
